Learning plan

Through out my time learning Japanese and updating this blog, I will follow this learning plan religiously.
I did some research, and came up with this plan as a conclusion. Please note that this plan could change in the future
if things won't go well as I intend it to.

The twenty minute method

Everyday, I will spend at least twenty minutes learning something new in Japanese. Going over twenty minutes would
be the ideal time. But on days where I won't feel motivated, I will have to push myself to spend at least twenty
minutes learning.

Flashcards, flashcards, flashcards!

I'll be the first to admit that I'm pretty lazy when it comes to small free-time. I'm not talking about an hour or two,
I'm talking about five to ten minutes. Usually during these times I just go on social media and waste what little I have
of my time. It's a pretty bad habbit, and I would like to change that. So, I installed a flashcard app on my phone and got
it set up. From now on, instead of wasting my time on social media, I will micro-study and go over what I'm currently learning.

More flashcards

If I'm not at work, or studying, I usually spend my time on the computer. I installed Anki and got it set up. From now on,
I will make it a habbit to go over some flashcards before I do something recreational. On these flashcards there will be everything
that I'm currently learning. From sentences, and words, to alphabet and grammar.

Podcasts and audio

As I stated before, if I'm not at work, or studying, I'm usually on the computer. When I'm on the computer, I usually work on my
start-up company, or working on my portfolio, and during these times I usually sit in silence, or listen to some music. I'm pretty decent
when it comes to time management, and I usually have more than a few hours a day to focus on those said things. From now on everyday,
instead of listening to music, I will be listening to Japanese podcasts or Japanese T.V. for background audio. Now, I'm not gonna spend
all my time listening to those, but I am aiming for at least ninty minutes a day of listening to Japanese audio.

Japanese shows

The best thing to do when your learning a new language is to watch television shows of that said language. Now, I'm not a fan anime,
so it could be a bit difficult finding a good live-action Japanese show that has english subtitles. But, that being said, everyday I will
actively watch one or two episodes of a Japanese show. By actively watching, I mean focusing on the language and translation.